De Moeder (Songtekst)

Wellicht heb je dit nummer al gehoord, of zelfs de video al gezien, maar we moesten dit toch even delen. Wat een prachtige beelden en wat een indringende, eerlijke songtekst. Het leven als moeder (en vader) is niet altijd glamorous, meestal niet eigenlijk, maar je mag voor een uniek mensje zorgen en alles met dit kleine persoontje meemaken. De video laat kanten zien van het moederschap die pijnlijk zijn (“Auw! Dat is mijn haar”), maar bovenal zien we prachtige, intieme en alledaagse momenten tussen moeder en kind. Aan te raden voor als je een vermoeiende dag hebt…


Welcome to the end of being alone inside your mind
Tethered to another and you’re worried all the time
You always knew the melody but you never heard it rhyme

She’s fair and she is quiet, Lord, she doesn’t look like me
She made me love the morning, she’s a holiday at sea
The New York streets are as busy as they always used to be
But I am the mother of Evangeline

The first things that she took from me were selfishness and sleep
She broke a thousand heirlooms I was never meant to keep
She filled my life with color, cancelled plans and trashed my car
But none of that is ever who we are

Outside of my windows are the mountains and the snow
I hold you while you’re sleeping and I wish that I could go
All my rowdy friends around accomplishing their dreams
But I am the mother of Evangeline

They’ve still got their morning paper and their coffee and their time
They still enjoy their evenings with the skeptics and their wine
Oh but all the wonders I have seen I will see a second time
From inside of the ages through your eyes

You were not an accident where no one thought it through
The world has stood against us, made us mean to fight for you
And when we chose your name we knew that you’d fight the power, too

You’re nothing short of magical and beautiful to me
I would never hit the big time without you
So they can keep their treasure and their ties to the machine
Cause I am the mother of Evangeline

They can keep their treasure and their ties to the machine
Cause I am the mother of Evangeline

Songwriters: Brandi M. Carlile / Phillip John Hanseroth / Timothy Jay Hanseroth
The Mother lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

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